Summary of the Project
Selected to interview at a fast growing start-up by developing a high level people analytics Tableau dashboard. This dashboard received positive feedback between 2 C-Suite level executive's within the company. It enabled stakeholders valuable insight regarding their people's team; more specifically YoY metrics regarding the following KPI's : retention rate, hiring rate, and productivity.
Create a dashboard utilizing a BI tool that has the following features:
- Allows stakeholders to identify, collect, aggregate, and analyze employee data that informs and evaluates business needs and questions about their employee population.
- Include sophistated predictive and regression models that dive deep into the organization's people data
- Create interactive dashboards that tell an analytical story, but allows the user to drill down through filters and parameters.
- Ensure that the dashboard is both scalable and clean
Please click on the bookmark below to view the dashboard.
Please note:
- All of the emoji's are clickable buttons
Tools Utilized
- Figma
- Kaggle
- Tableau
- Excel
Data Set Used:
- Brainstorming - Sketch some dashboards using Figma Jam
Thought Process:
I spent around 4-6 hours brainstorming and thinking about what the end result. I spent some time reading Josh Bersin's 2021 HR report to be up to speed regarding key metrics within the People Analytics space. Reading that report helped me develop 15-20 KPI's that I thought would be important to the stakeholders. I also started to vision board - I had 2-3 dashboards that I looked at for inspiration for this project. Once I had a good picture of what kind of data that I wanted to analyze, I started to sketch some dashboards using figma jam.
- Create the dashboard using Figma
Thought Process:
Once I felt comfortable with the sketch, I made two dashboards for this project. I ended up scrapping the first dashboard because I thought it didn't look good enough. Creating a vision board earlier really helped. I found 2-3 dashboards that I really liked and modeled my dashboard after that. The main inspiration for the dashboard was an image that I found off the company website. I based my color scheme and design of that image.
Main Inspiration for Dashboard:
Prototype Dashboard:
Final Dashboard:
- Executing - Clean the data / Transform the Data / Data Integrity using Excel
Thought Process:
Cleaning The Data
Once I downloaded the dataset from Kaggle, I used the following functions to make sure that there is no duplicates or unwanted null values:
- Count Distinct
- Count Blank
- Count If
If there is any values that turn up null, I would come up with the following solutions:
- Name the value "Missing" "N/A" or something to categorize the missing value.
I checked out the data using my data cleaning framework below and everything was accurate.
Transforming the Data
As I mentioned earlier, I had to make up the data for production and OKR's. While the values used were random, I wanted to make sure that calculations used were accurate. My goal was to simulate real results and ensure that my tableau calculations were correct. When I made the calculations in in Tableau, I also made sure that these calculations were accurate in Excel.
Data Integrity
The deliverable mentioned that they wanted predictive results regarding Forecasting and Regression. Since I made up the data and it was based on random numbers with a small sample size, I knew that these measures wouldn't provide any meaningful insight.
The next best thing I could do is showcase the following:
- I understood these statistical measures conceptually
- I was able to implement them in a real world use case.
Tableau has a cool function that gives you the ability to add trend lines and forecast, so this was an easy deliverable.
I used the following framework below to data clean:
- Data Cleaning:
- Clean for no data
- Too little data
- Wrong Data - Changes for errors
- Margin of Error
- Confidence Level
- Population
- Account for the following:
- Duplicate Data
- Outdated Data
- Incomplete Data
- Incorrect Data
- Inconsistent Data
Dummy Data:
- Executing - Analyze the data using Tableau
Thought Process:
I really wanted to showcase my knowledge of measuring productivity and HR with this project. While the stakeholders wanted to know how the productivity of each department / employee, I had industry knowledge that FAANG companies don't use the actual productivity calculation as the main measure. Google is famous for using Objective Key Results as a measure and framework for success. I made the decision to keep the productivity calculation in my dashboard, but I included OKR scores as well. If you look at the HR Data, you would notice that there is no information in regards to productivity or OKR's. I created dummy data using the random between function in Excel. The main thought process behind this is to showcase that I can measure these metrics, rather than finding insights. I quickly looked through the columns and thought about interesting things that I could filter.
Here is a list of interesting insights that could be unlocked with BI tools:
- How much employee's are in each department?
- What is the average pay for black female?
- What's the performance of a male white guy in production?
Here is a list of filters / parameters / categories / insights that I wanted to include in the project:
- Hiring Rate vs PY
- Engagement Rate vs PY
- Retention Rate vs PY
- Production Rate vs PY
- Number of Employees by Gender
- Details Tab for Productivity
- Forecasting
- Regression
- Year Filter
- Department by Position
- Include Drill Downs
- Pay by Race
Once I had a list of what I wanted to accomplish, the rest of the project came down to execution and putting it in the right places.
Formula for productivity below:
Sample OKR:
Further Exploration
Diversity and Inclusion
I wanted to include a filter for transwomen / transmen / gay / lesbian / non-binary and other, but the dataset didn't allow for it. This is something that very passionate about because I have close relatives that identify as such.
Feedback Back for Employers
During the interview process, I received feedback from stakeholders. They had some additional asks and asked my thought process on how I would provide that information.
Additional Ask 1:
How would you approach finding the cost-per-hire in our company?
The formula is listed below:
Internal Recruiting Costs would be the following:
- Employee referral bonuses
- Recruiting Salary
- Interview Costs
External Recruiting Costs would be the following:
- Advertising Costs (Job Boards, PPC)
- Recruiting Software
- Recruiting Events
- Non-internal recruiter fees
- Flights / Relocation / Misc
I should be able to obtain this information through the Applicant Tracking System and other job posting boards.
Discussion topics to involve stakeholders:
- Why are we measuring cost-per-hire?
- Cost-per-hire should vary from position to position. What do you think about breaking it down by position / department with drill downs?
- What action would we preform with this information?
- Is it beneficial to increase the cost-per-hire to obtain greater candidates?
Additional Ask 2:
Is it possible to come up with a metric that shows if someone pregnant will leave?
Thought Process:
What are the factors that determine showcase pregnancy?
- Not attending happy hour
- Stop smoking
- Food aversions
- Fatigue
- Ask with Culture AMP
What are the factors that determine if someone will leave?
- Num of times checking Linkedin
- Taking extended PTO
- Not attending meetings
- Low performance
- Low scores on engagement survey
- Low scores on satisfaction survey
- Low response on emails
How can we obtain these insights?
- CultureAmp
- Survey Monkey
- Google Survey
How do we calculate these factors to validate:
A / B testing
Further questions for analysis:
How long would it take for us to obtain a sample size to accurately determine this information?
I think getting this information would be a lengthy and time consuming process. The better solution is to go directly to CultureAmp / Pew Data Research / Research Papers to give us insights in regards to this.
Instead of coming up with a predictive method, the more cost-efficient method would be figuring asking reliable sources for the following information:
- % chance of pregnant people leaving in all organizations.
- What factors will increase the rate of retention of pregnant people?
- Provide resources to pregnant people
- Utilize CultureAmp or other feedback tools to obtain feedback in our procedures.